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Showing posts from February, 2011

Why are we "Trainers" here?

One of my friends & a Faculty in a well-known B-school called me asking for advice: [He works as a Senior HR in a well-known organisation who also moonlights as a Visiting Faculty in a B-school. He is good in his subject, runs the class with a book and sharing his personal experiences. However energy wise he is low in energy in class (his age being on the higher side of 50)]. He is within a few years approaching retirement. He has an option of accepting VRS too with a good package. Now his question was whether he should take VRS and enter the field of Training as a Freelancer? For him Training would a good source additional income and would give him an opportunity to relax too. Now,my thought is "Why are we Trainers here?" For some of us it is "passion " - we have chosen to let go of our other careers and tansition to this field. And this is where we are going to be till a long time. However for some - it's a Pension Plan And for some others - its a Stop-G...

The Training grass on the other side

w no response or their colleagues inform that they would get back to us soon. They don't even let us know that it is a "NO". I strongly suspect that this is done either for the 3-quotation requirement (for audit purposes) and therefore they try to source the expensive quotations as they have already finalised their Trainer / Training Company; OR for getting ready-made designs which then they incorporate into their own in-house design claiming it to be their own work. Now this is not what I am writing for. I write to make our Trainers aware of something happening later that really amuses me. Few of these seniors, in recent years have either retired / or gone into independent consultancy..... and some of them have got into training. Now the fun is that they have come to the other side ("the grass being always greener on the other side!"). Recently a few of them were complaining that clients (Companies and thus naturally their HR's ) do not get back, do not re...