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Showing posts with the label presentation

Unsubstantiated claims by Trainers: Are we becoming more like products today? Or braggers?

It's hilarious: One Trainer claims that he is India's No. 1 Train the Trainer. I really don't know who is the Certifying body and what's the basis of this claim but nevertheless the claim is part of the signature line. Another claims to be Mumbai 1st Trainer in a particular Technique. Till recently he claimed to the only one certified in that technique. A Intl. Training Co. Franchisee claims to be the Global Top Training Co. They are a listed Co. in US and their financial statement showed that they were a loss making company until a few years back (whereas the claim started about 7 to 8 years ago). Is this required? And why do we need this? Can't our work speak for ourselves through our clients? Do we think that Client HR is soooo damn stupid that they aren't going to ask us for the rationale on our claim. BTW, are they asking?

Most trainers are merely PPT readers

Most trainers are merely PPT readers - a comment I read on linkedin to which I have put forth my observations below: I have an objection to the loose use of "most" by the originator of the comment here. It assumes that the person has observed all of us Trainers and then made a comment w.r.t. "most". If you had said "Most presenters are PPT readers" I would have agreed. I have had the privilege of conducting TTT's, observing many Trainers / Presenters / Speakers in Mumbai and have a fairly decent network of training friends from whom I have realised that the following: 1. Freelancers and people who get training assignments from Companies generally tend to use PPT more as an Aid and a Cue Card for remembering the flow. They don't end up being PPT readers. 2. There are many Trainers who absolutely don't use PPT at all / or to the basic minimum. They use powerful methodologies like Story Telling, Role Plays, Acitivites, Games, Role Modeling, Grou

It's really really funny.

It's really really funny. I know of Training Companies whose Trainers are made to claim (who dares ask for proof from the Trainers?) on the floor that their training interventions reduced attrition in client companies, but when it comes to their own Trainers they haven't been able to reduce attrition at all. Many Trainers are leaving sooo soon and that too "hurt" . One of the reason is that most Training Companies (my previous experience and of my network of trainers experiences tell me) don't have any HR processes at all. The Owners / Franchisees run Training Companies like "lalas" with autocratic form of leadership. They don't even let their teams know how much business they do. These are the same guys who 'teach' client participants that other styles of leadership should be used. Another reason is payments of dues... I remember a hilarious incident.... I and the Training Co's BD Manager, were observers to a training program being deli

Coaching in Presentation Skills / Public Speaking

In L&T, for a particular division in Mumbai, I coach small teams in delivering an effective presentation internally to their organisation's seniors. At times the coaching is to Supervisors who have to deliver a session to their newly promoted Supervisors. Recently it was for a competition. The fun of coaching such teams is that I'm working with practical application of the learning. In training workshops, the skills are surely enhanced but chances are many of these participants may not get an opportunity to present for the next many months. Presentation Skills / Public Speaking isn't like cycling or swimming.... once learnt, learnt for life. With these skills if you loose out on applying it regularly (at least once a week) the 'enhancement' starts coming back to the original position. If organisations, do not provide opportunities to practice the skill on a regular basis, then the training effectivness (and thus the ROI) may suffer. Can the trainer really be

Queries in Training

I was asked a few questions on Training. I replied to them and thought would be interesting for my blog readers too. (This is from an India perspective) 1. what should one do to get into training sector? Depends on why you want to be in this field and what's your personal vision. Various ways you can get into this field: a. You could start by conducting sessions in schools and colleges. And then move on to training the entry level staff of companies. b. Join a Company in the Learning & Development Department (part of HR). You may have to initially get into coordination of Training and may be more of an observer. This would strengthen your content knowledge. Once you are comfortable in the modules, then you could start by handling small modules along with a co-trainer. c. Join a Training Company. Again initially they may put you in co-ordination. They may also ask you to first start marketing (i.e. developing business). Then again you may get chances to co-facilitate and thus b
Hi Friends I have just started blogging and am getting used to this. I am a Trainer in Soft Skills and Behavioural Programs and located in India. I deliver trainings on modules such as Presentation Skills, Public Speaking, Communication Skills etc. My journey in Training has been all of 16 years and it's been an enriching experience. I am located in Mumbai (Bombay) India. More thoughts later. Regards Ajit